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Terms of Use

CASIO always strives to publish only current, comprehensive and correct information on this website.

1. Use of images and texts as well as downloads

All content on this website, in particular images, texts and graphics, is protected under copyright, trademark or competition law. This may also apply even if the level of creation required under copyright law is not achieved. Our prior express written permission is required for downloads and copying for any purpose other than solely private use. We reserve the right to use all legal means in the event of unauthorised use of our content.

The operation manuals and handbooks provided for download on our website are, in particular, protected by copyright. You may download individual operation manuals for solely personal use. Any further copying and transmission to third parties is prohibited, in particular for commercial purposes or for used appliances, and may result in claims for damages or even constitute a criminal offence.


2. External links

CASIO is not liable for websites which are outside its domain and whose content is clearly not the property of CASIO. The opening of a new window indicates that a link has been created to an external website. Operators of linked sites may possibly alter content at a later date. No subsequent checking of external websites is carried out. Should the content of linked websites offend you, please inform us so that we can remove the links if necessary.


3. Trademarks/Copyrights

“CASIO” is a registered trademark of CASIO Computer Co., Ltd., Japan.
All trademarks; logos; Internet addresses and product or model names which describe products or services provided by CASIO or CASIO affiliates are trademarks and the property of CASIO or CASIO affiliates. In this context, the list of trademarks and company indicators is not exhaustive; the omission of a trademark on this website does not indicate a renunciation of its protection.

The use of CASIO indicators/ trademarks and, in particular, their alteration is prohibited unless prior written authorisation has been obtained from CASIO or this is permitted by law (non-trademark use).

Other product and company names which are used on this website may be trademarks of the relevant owner and are herewith expressly recognised.


4. Alterations and errors

CASIO has the right to alter products, the website, customer services, services, programmes and also these terms and conditions of use at any time, either with or without prior notice.


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